Department of State Hospitals SB/DVBE Mission

Small Business (SB) and Micro-business (MB) enterprises are essential to the good health of the State’s economy and a principal source of new jobs. The State contracts billions of dollars in goods and services to ensure its economy stays healthy, strong, and prosperous and promotes business opportunities and participation for all its citizenry. DSH is committed to offering procurement opportunities to SBs and MBs whenever possible to ensure the statewide participation goal of 25 percent (mandated through Executive Order S-02-06) is achieved on an annual basis.

The State of California established the Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise (DVBE) Program (Public Contract Code section 10115) to assist DVBEs to more effectively compete in governmental procurement opportunities. Military and Veterans Code April 27, 2021 State of California Health & Human Services Agency Department of State Hospitals - 2 - section 999.2 et seq. establishes a requirement for obtaining three percent DVBE participation as applied to the overall dollar amounts expended each year by an awarding department. The DVBE Program facilitates the integration of disabled veterans into California's entrepreneurial economy. It is DSH’s goal to increase its statewide participation in contracting and procurement activities by actively seeking qualified DVBEs whenever feasible and practical to ensure the annual DVBE goal is met.

SB/DVBE Advocate Information

  • The SB/DVBE Advocate represents the Department statewide to the SB/DVBE and non-profit community. The Statewide Advocate supports the business community with program compliance and information, such as, prompt payment assistance, certification assistance, bidding opportunities, and California certification or non-profit recognition.
  • The Statewide SB/DVBE Advocate provides contact information to the business community to better assist suppliers seeking business opportunities with the Department. As needed, the Statewide SB/DVBE Advocate serves as liaison for DSH and the Department of General Services (DGS) on SB/DVBE program issues. The DSH is structured with SB/DVBE Advocate liaisons to represent DSH’s five facilities, and several programs to provide additional business services and support throughout California.
  • The SB Advocate shall be responsible for:
    • Receiving and responding to complaints received by the agency from SBs.
    • Providing technical advice and assisting SBs in resolving problems and questions regarding compliance with the agency’s regulations and relevant statutes.
    • Reporting SB concerns and, if appropriate, reporting recommendations to the agency secretary or to the agency head, as defined in section 11405.40.
    • Reviewing and updating, on a semiannual basis, content on the agency Web site that is accessible through the small business link provided on the State of California Internet portal pursuant to Section 11541.5.
    • Assisting the Agency Secretary, Department Director, or Executive Officer, as applicable, in ensuring that the procurement and contracting processes of the applicable entity are administered in order to meet or exceed the 25 percent SB participation goal and developing and sharing innovative procurement and contracting practices from the public and private sectors to increase opportunities for SBs.
  • The SB advocate shall not advocate for or against the adoption, amendment, or repeal of any regulation or intervene in any pending investigation or enforcement action.


SB/DVBE Contacts Phone Number
Small Business/Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Advocate (non-IT /Goods/Services)
1215 O Street, MS-1
Sacramento, CA 95814
Small Business/Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Advocate (IT /Goods/Services)
1215 O Street, MS-1
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 573-2069

In order for a SB to be eligible for certification, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Be independently owned and operated;
  • Not dominant in field of operation;
  • Principal office located in California;
  • Owners (officers, if a corporation) domiciled in California; and,
  • Including affiliates, be either,
    • A business with 100 or fewer employees; an average annual gross receipts of $15 million or less, over the last three tax years;
    • A manufacturer* with 100 or fewer employees; or,
    • A micro business (MB) – a SB will automatically be designated as a MB, if gross annual receipts are $5,000,000 or less; or the small business is a manufacturer with 25 or fewer employees.
  • *For Small Business Certification purposes, a manufacturer is a business that is both of the following:
    • Primarily engaged in the chemical or mechanical transformation of raw materials or processed substances into new products.
    • Classified between Codes 31 to 339999, inclusive, of the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) Manual, published by the United States Census Bureau, 2007 edition.
For more information on SB/DVBE Certification Benefits and how to apply/recertify, please visit Department of General Services SB/DVBE website.

For DVBE certification purposes, a "disabled veteran" is:

  • A veteran of the U.S. military, naval, or air service;
  • The veteran must have a service-connected disability of at least 10 percent or more; and
  • The veteran must reside in California.

NOTE: The disabled veteran who manages and controls the business is not required to be an owner of the applicant business.

  • Your home office must be located in the U.S. (the home office cannot be a branch or subsidiary of a foreign corporation, foreign firm, or other foreign based business).
  • All existing and all new DVBE applicants must submit to the Office of Small Business and DVBE Services (OSDS) complete copies of the DVBE's federal income tax returns for the previous three years. DVBEs who have been in business for less than three years shall submit the federal tax returns for each year they have been in business.
  • A DVBE applicant that is not a sole proprietorship and rents equipment to the state must provide the federal income tax returns for each of their disabled veteran owners or your firm will be deemed to be an equipment broker.
  • DVBE limited liability companies must be wholly owned by one or more disabled veterans.
For more information on SB/DVBE Certification Benefits and how to apply/recertify, please visit Department of General Services SB/DVBE website.

Thank you for your interest in working with DSH! DSH looks forward to increasing the number of opportunities you have in providing us with the goods and services we need. We are a statewide organization with five state facilities (Atascadero, Coalinga, Metropolitan, Napa, and Patton).

DSH is extremely supportive of Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBE) and actively seeks partnerships with them. The procurement staff at DSH is ready to assist you in successfully participating in the State's procurement process.

List of items that DSH typically purchases:

  • Medical Services for Hospitals:
    • Specialty Physician, Dialysis, Hospice, Dental, Nursing, Nursing Registry, Medical Transport, Diagnostics, Audiology, Optometry, Podiatry, Mental Health, Pharmacy, Respiratory therapy, Blood products, Hearing aid repair, Clinical Laboratory services, Pain treatment, Training and education, Medical records/coding
  • Medical Supplies:
    • Dental, central supply, ambulatory care, EENT, EKG, surgical, respiratory, optical, rehabilitation, orthotics
  • Laboratory Supplies:
    • Reagents, controls, disposable clothing, gloves, equipment
  • Food Service:
    • Purchase, preparation and serving of a full range of food products
  • Plant Operations:
    • Electrical, plumbing, landscape services, paint and sundries, building maintenance, pest control, medical/non-medical hazardous waste removal, domestic water testing, public works construction – remodel, building repairs, road and sidewalk repair, and maintenance and repair of: biomedical equipment; vehicles; fire alarm systems; automatic doors; elevators; and HVAC systems
  • Janitorial and Laundry:
    • Services and supplies, including hospital linens
  • Moving Services:
    • Includes modular furniture and cubicle breakdown/set up
  • Marketing:
    • Design and printing services, marketing products, mass mailing
  • Information Technology:
    • Consulting plus contracted services, hardware, software, peripherals including telecom
  • Financial Services:
    • Grant application development, auditing, insurance, quantitative cash flow analysis, Medicare & Medi-Cal cost reports
  • Office Supplies:
    • Paper, desk supplies, filing materials, etc.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
    • Gloves, N95 Respirators, Gowns, Surgical Masks, Hand Sanitizers, Face Shields