Legal Commitments
The following graphic is a list of the legal categories of patients in all Department of State Hospital facilities.
Legal Category | Legal Class Text | Code Section | Description |
NGI | NGI PC1026 | PC 1026 | Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity |
Other NGI | RONGI, RO1026 | PC 1610 | Temporary Admission while waiting for Court Revocation of a PC 1026 (NGI) |
Other NGI | MNGI | WIC 702.3 | Minor Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity |
Other NGI | TANGI | PC 1610 | Rehospitalization, temporary admission not guilty by reason of insanity |
IST | IST PC1370 | PC 1370.1 | Incompetent to Stand Trial |
Other IST | EIST | PC 1372(e) | Restored (IST) on Court Hold |
Other IST | ROIST, RO1370, TAIST | PC 1610 | Temporary Admission while waiting for Court Revocation of a PC 1370 (IST) |
Other IST | DDIST | PC 1370.1 | Commitment as Incompetent to Stand Trial because of Developmental Disability (up to 6 months) and Mental Disorder |
OMD | PC2962 | PC 2962 | Parolee Referred from the Department of Corrections |
OMD | PC2964a | PC 2964(a) | Parolee Rehospitalized from Conrep after DSH hearing |
OMD | PC2972 | PC 2972 | Former Parolee Referred from Superior Court |
OMD | RO2972 | PC 1610 | Temporary admission while waiting for court revocation of PC 2972 |
MDSO | MDSO | WIC 6316 | Mentally Disordered Sex Offender |
MDSO | MDSOI | WIC 6316 | 1. MDSO Observation Indeterminate; 2. MDSO Return by Court |
MDSO | ROMDSO | PC 1610 | Temporary Admission while waiting for Court Revocation of MDSO |
Other SVP | SVPH | WIC 6601.3 | Sexually Violent Predator BPH Hold |
Other SVP | ROSVP | PC 1610 | Pend Revocation of Sexually Violent Predator |
SVP | SVP | WIC 6604 | Sexually Violent Predator |
SVP | SVPP | WIC 6602 | Sexually Violent Predator Probable Cause |
PC 2684 | PC2684 | PC 2684 | Prisoner from the Department of Corrections |
LPS | T.Cons | WIC 5353 | Temporary Conservatorship |
LPS | CONS | WIC 5358 | Conservatorship |
LPS | VOL | WIC 6000 | Voluntary |
LPS | MURCON | WIC 5008(h)(1)(B) | Voluntary |
LPS* | PC2974 | PC 2974 | Recommitment after expiration of prison term (must have concurrent W&I commitment) |
* Historical legal codes that are no longer admitted into DSH are excluded from this table.