Legal Commitments

The following graphic is a list of the legal categories of patients in all Department of State Hospital facilities.

Legal Category Legal Class Text Code Section Description
NGI NGI PC1026 PC 1026 Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity
Other NGI RONGI, RO1026 PC 1610 Temporary Admission while waiting for Court Revocation of a PC 1026 (NGI)
Other NGI MNGI WIC 702.3 Minor Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity
Other NGI TANGI PC 1610 Rehospitalization, temporary admission not guilty by reason of insanity
IST IST PC1370 PC 1370.1 Incompetent to Stand Trial
Other IST EIST PC 1372(e) Restored (IST) on Court Hold
Other IST ROIST, RO1370, TAIST PC 1610 Temporary Admission while waiting for Court Revocation of a PC 1370 (IST)
Other IST DDIST PC 1370.1 Commitment as Incompetent to Stand Trial because of Developmental
Disability (up to 6 months) and Mental Disorder
OMD PC2962 PC 2962 Parolee Referred from the Department of Corrections
OMD PC2964a PC 2964(a) Parolee Rehospitalized from Conrep after DSH hearing
OMD PC2972 PC 2972 Former Parolee Referred from Superior Court
OMD RO2972 PC 1610 Temporary admission while waiting for court revocation of PC 2972
MDSO MDSO WIC 6316 Mentally Disordered Sex Offender
MDSO MDSOI WIC 6316 1. MDSO Observation Indeterminate; 2. MDSO Return by Court
MDSO ROMDSO PC 1610 Temporary Admission while waiting for Court Revocation of MDSO
Other SVP SVPH WIC 6601.3 Sexually Violent Predator BPH Hold
Other SVP ROSVP PC 1610 Pend Revocation of Sexually Violent Predator
SVP SVP WIC 6604 Sexually Violent Predator
SVP SVPP WIC 6602 Sexually Violent Predator Probable Cause
PC 2684 PC2684 PC 2684 Prisoner from the Department of Corrections
LPS T.Cons WIC 5353 Temporary Conservatorship
LPS CONS WIC 5358 Conservatorship
LPS VOL WIC 6000 Voluntary
LPS MURCON WIC 5008(h)(1)(B) Voluntary
LPS* PC2974 PC 2974 Recommitment after expiration of prison term
(must have concurrent W&I commitment)

* Historical legal codes that are no longer admitted into DSH are excluded from this table.