Important Health Information:
Please read the below information carefully. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic our visiting policies have changed.
Televisiting: We are still providing televisiting Monday - Friday. Televisiting can be used as an option to in-person visiting. Televisiting is conducted Monday - Friday only. For further information please refer to the televisiting information.
All visits must be scheduled in advance. There is no walk-in visitation at this time. Please read through and comply with the visitor guidelines before using the scheduling link to reserve your visit.
DSH-Coalinga Visitation Scheduling (NOTE: best viewed using Chrome, Internet Explorer may not be supported)
February 28, 2025, Update: The following units are quarantined until further notice, due to positive Covid-19 or suspected Covid-19 cases or positive influenza/RSV.
Based on the above restrictions, patients may be cleared to participate in legal visits and evaluator appointments if cleared by the physician. In most cases, medical clearance for COVID-19 quarantine is a negative COVID-19 test. Patients refusing to comply with a COVID-19 test for clearance may be denied the visit and/or evaluation.
Unit 2, Unit 13, Unit 21, Unit 25, Unit 26, Unit 27, and Unit 28.
Infection control remains a top priority for DSH-C for the health and safety of our staff and patients.
DSH-C has discontinued the Covid-19 screening process for visitors.
Visiting Room Rules
- The maximum group size is 8 total people. (Combined visitors and patients)
- Visitors are required to pre-register for visits and shall follow the online visiting process to apply for an appointment to visit.
- Patients positive for COVID-19 or on quarantined or isolation units will not be allowed to visit.
- Department of Police Services will confirm the visit with the visitor before the date of the visit.
- Visitors should arrive 30 minutes prior to their visit to complete the visitor screening process.
- No outside food or drinks will be allowed inside visiting areas. Patients are permitted to order food items from the Union Square Grill prior to the visit. Food items can be purchased for themselves and their visitor(s). Drinks are not allowed to be brought to visiting and must be purchased in visiting. Food items brought into visiting from the Union Square Grill must be consumed during the visit and are not allowed to leave the visiting room.
- Visitors may bring their prescribed medications.
- Visitors will be briefly escorted outside when needed to take their medication and water will be provided.
- Visitors and patients will be allowed a brief handshake or hug at the beginning and end of the visit.
- Hand sanitizer will be provided at the entrance to visiting and in the patient search area for the visitor and patient to sanitize their hands before and after the visit.
- All the private rooms will remain open for attorney or evaluator visits and are not reflected in the room capacity
Please note: You will be required to present your ID at the beginning of the web conference. The information provided will need to match what has been submitted, so please fill out the form with your legal name as it appears on your state-issued ID.
To make tele-visitation available as soon as possible, this process has been implemented while still in development. Due to current limitations and the need for individual background checks, only one visitor will be allowed per time slot. We hope to allow for multiple visitors at once as soon as possible.
Tele-visiting is not available on weekends or holidays.
Visiting Room Regulations
Welfare and Institutions Code 4139 makes it a misdemeanor to deliver to a patient in a State Hospital any of the following items:
- A cellular telephone or wireless communication device or a component thereof such as a SIM card.
- Tobacco products.
- Money in excess of the limitations and restrictions adopted by the hospital.
Coalinga State Hospital encourages visits from relatives and friends. We recognize them to be an important part of the individual’s therapeutic process. Authorized visits will not be denied unless such a visit is declined by the individual, or deemed to be harmful to the individual.
Department of State Hospitals – Statewide Contraband List
In accordance with Welfare & Institutions Code Section 7295, to ensure its safety and security, the Department of State Hospitals has developed a list of items deemed contraband at every state hospital.
A. "Contraband" means materials, articles, or goods that patients are prohibited from having in their possession because such materials, articles or goods present a risk to safety and security in the facility. (Welf. & Inst. Code, 7295, subd. (i); Cal. Code Regs., tit. 9, 881, subd. (e).)
B. Items restricted to use only under supervision or control may be considered contraband for the purposes of this list, as they should not be in patient's possession without supervision. All items that are illegal to possess are by default considered to be contraband, whether specifically contained in this list or not. This includes any items prohibited as a condition of parole as it applies to any patient on active parole while housed in a DSH facility.
Visiting Hours:
- 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 7- days per week, including holidays *No visitors will be processed after 1:45 p.m.
Visitor Processing and Required Identification:
- Visitor processing takes approximately 30 minutes. The last appointment starts at 2:00PM.
- Visitors must present a valid government issued form of photo identification, address, telephone number, vehicle license number if applicable and relationship to the Individual.
- Visiting is on a first come, first serve basis. Should Visiting Room capacity be reached, some visitors may be asked to shorten their visit. Visiting may implement a rotation system if necessary.
- This is a secure facility and for safety and security reasons visitors are subject to search.
- Attorneys requiring room reservation for clients, please contact(559) 934-3061 or (559) 934-3062 at least two business days prior to requested date. Rooms are subject to availability.
Special Visitor Clearance Required:
- Minors (under the age of 18), International visitors, former employees, students or contract employees of DSH, former patients and former CDCR Inmates or staff, must advise and/or obtain written permission prior to the visit. Please contact External Affairs for special instructions (559) 935-4099.
- Visitors are expected to dress to meet the constraints of the hospital setting. Attire shall be conservative and non-revealing. Visitors not properly dressed will not be admitted into the visiting room.
- Clothing that is prohibited is that which represents the uniform or clothing worn by Individuals, staff or officers. This includes scrubs and khaki colored clothing, etc.
- Examples of inappropriate clothing; strapless garments, halter, bare midriff or tank tops (male or female), transparent clothing, wrap-around tops, under wire garments, shorts, or clothing with hoods. Skirts or dresses shorter than mid-thigh, exercise type clothing (i.e., spandex, leotards), excessively loose, skin-tight or excess clothing (i.e., hats, gloves). Clothing with language, images or symbols identified as gang or gang affiliated, clothing with logos that are derogatory or anti-therapeutic, e.g profane, disrespectful, sexual, or make reference to drugs, alcohol or criminal activity. Clothing with metal and/or gemstone decoration and clothing with hoods are not allowed.
- Wigs will be permitted when worn for medical reasons and prior approval has been obtained from DPS.
- Open toed shoes or shoes without a back strap are not allowed.
- Jewelry should be kept to a minimum, e.g. a watch, a wedding band, one bracelet. No facial jewelry other than earrings that are 1/4" or smaller.
- Visitors shall not wear any item that encircles the neck that could be used as a choking or strangulation device. Examples include, but are not limited to: neckties and scarves.
- DSH-C is not responsible for damage or theft of any item brought into the Visiting Room.
Items Allowed in Visiting Room:
- Up to $75.00 in $1.00 increments or unwrapped coins for use in vending machine.
- Thirty (30) loose photographs. DPS will review the photographs to assure suitability.
- Medication required by visitor is limited to life-sustaining medication only in pill form. Only the amount needed during the visit will be allowed. All medication must be accompanied by a note from the prescribing physician. **no refrigeration capability exists for the Visiting Room**
- Direct transfer of property between Individual and visitor is prohibited. Property must be given to the Visiting Center Police Officer for proper handling.
Visiting Room Conduct:
- Individual and visitor may embrace and kiss at the beginning and end of each visit which is limited to momentary contact.
- During visit, the Individual and visitor may hold hands. Any other contact is prohibited and may result in termination of the visit.
- Any misconduct may result in termination and violators may be subject to prosecution if determined to be a violation of the law.