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Visitor Information by Hospital

Select Hospital: DSH-Atascadero | DSH-Coalinga | DSH-Napa | DSH-Metropolitan | DSH-Patton

DSH-Atascadero Important Visiting Information

Protocols for visitation have been developed based on California Department Public Health (CDPH) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance. The below guidelines are implemented to keep patients and their visitors safe.

General Guidelines

  • In-person visitation may be modified or suspended based on the hospital’s current COVID-19 conditions or as recommended by CDC, CDPH, local Public Health Department guidance.
  • Patients with active COVID-19 disease are not permitted to have in-person visitors or participate in tele-visits until released from isolation.
  • Patients residing on Quarantined or Observation Units are not permitted to have in-person or tele-visits.
  • Each patient is allowed up to three visitors total, one of whom can be a pre-approved minor per scheduled visit. For tele-visits, all visitors participating must be in one physical location.
  • Minors are not allowed to visit (in-person or virtually) until approval is authorized. To approve a minor to participate in either form of visiting, the parent/guardian must first complete the Minor Visitation Authorization form (GA 62) with the patient’s treatment team and have received the determination. If the minor has not been previously approved, please contact the unit Clinical Social Worker to begin the request process.
  • No food or drink is allowed during visitation.
  • No restroom facilities will be available during visitation.
  • Visitor clothing shall be conservative.

  • The following clothing items are not permitted:

    • Khaki-colored or similar colored clothing is prohibited (ex: beige, tan, light brown).
    • Clothing that resembles patient or officers' clothing; camouflage-type clothing or army fatigues (olive drab).
    • Strapless garments; halter, bare midriff or tank tops (male or female); transparent clothing; wrap-around tops, skirts, dresses; underwire garments; shorts; or clothing with hoods.
    • Skirts, dresses, or Capri pants shall fall below the knee. Skirts/dresses longer than knee length cannot have slits extending above the knees.
    • Exercise clothing (i.e., spandex, leotards) or excessively loose or skin-tight clothing.
    • Wigs, except for medical reasons with prior approval.
    • Scarves, hats, gloves, or other excess clothing.
    • No open-toe shoes.
    • Jackets or sweaters must be worn or placed into a locker.
    • No neckties, necklaces or any other items that encircle the neck.
    • Any clothing with offensive or gang related words/insignias.
    • Children 40 inches tall or under are exempt from the following clothing restrictions: tights and head protection (hats).


In-person visitation:

  • Patients residing on Quarantined or Observation Units are not permitted to have in-person.
  • In-person visits are on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.
  • In-person visits are now walk-in only and will not have any visits prescheduled starting 02-19-2025.
  • Visitation hours for in-person days will be 0815am -130pm.
  • There will be no time limitations for in-person visiting except for when the visiting room reaches its capacity. The officers will then ask for volunteers to end their visits. If no volunteers come forward, the parties who have been visiting the longest will be asked to end their visit.
  • Each visit will be a minimum of 2 hours.


  • Patients residing on Quarantined or Observation Units are not permitted to have tele-visits.
  • Tele-visits can be scheduled on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
  • To schedule a tele-visit please use the scheduling link below.
  • Daily times for scheduled visits are: 0815, 0915, 1015, 1115, and 1215.
  • All visits are limited to 45 minutes due to scheduling and infection control measures.
  • A previously approved minor may be allowed to participate in tele-visits scheduled on Fridays ONLY, with the parent or guardian listed on approval forms.
  • To approve a minor to participate in either form of visiting, the parent/guardian must first complete the Minor Visitation Authorization form (GA 62) with the patient’s treatment team and have received the determination. If the minor has not been previously approved, please contact the unit Clinical Social Worker to begin the request process.
  • All requests for visiting will be processed by Department of Police Services. If the visitor is restricted from grounds or has an active warrant, the visit request will be denied.
  • Prospective visitors on probation must have written authorization from their Probation Officer. Court probation will be authorized/denied on a case-by-case basis by the Watch Commander. Prospective visitors on probation for a violent or a drug-related offense will be denied. Prior to the visit, individuals on probation may be subject to a search of their person or property.
  • Approved visitor(s) will receive a confirmation email with visit day and time within three business days prior to the requested visit date. Tele-visitor requestors will also receive a WebEx link to use to access the tele-visit.

On the Day of Visit

  • In-person visitors should arrive to DSH-Atascadero at least 15 minutes in advance of their scheduled visit for check-in and fill out visitation paperwork.

During the Visit

  • Approved visitor(s) will have their identity verified at the beginning of the visit. Only previously approved visitor(s) can participate in the visit.
  • During the visit, the patient and visitor(s) will be expected to adhere to Visiting Room and DSH-Atascadero policies. This includes, but is not limited to, attire and appropriate behavior. Any misconduct or failure to follow visiting policies may result in termination of the visit.
  • Department of Police Services Visiting Room officers maintain visual surveyance of all visits.
  • Criminal activity observed during visits will be processed in accordance with applicable laws.

Technology Requirements to Participate in a WebEx Meeting

Click Here to Schedule Visit: 
(NOTE: best viewed using Chrome, Internet Explorer may not be supported)

Select Language: English | Español (Spanish) | 한국인 (Korean) | Tagalog | 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese) | Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)

DSH-Coalinga Important Visiting Information:   Back to Top

Please read the below information carefully. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic our visiting policies have changed.

Televisiting: We are still providing televisiting Monday - Friday. Televisiting can be used as an option to in-person visiting. Televisiting is conducted Monday - Friday only. For further information please refer to the televisiting information.

All visits must be scheduled in advance. There is no walk-in visitation at this time. Please read through and comply with the visitor guidelines before using the scheduling link to reserve your visit.
DSH-Coalinga Visitation Scheduling  (NOTE: best viewed using Chrome, Internet Explorer may not be supported)

Based on Quarantined Unit restrictions, patients may be cleared to participate in legal visits and evaluator appointments if cleared by the physician. In most cases, medical clearance for COVID-19 quarantine is a negative COVID-19 test. Patients refusing to comply with a COVID-19 test for clearance may be denied the visit and/or evaluation.

Infection control remains a top priority for DSH-C for the health and safety of our staff and patients.

Visitation Scheduling ( NOTE: best viewed using Chrome)

DSH-C has discontinued the Covid-19 screening process for visitors.

Visiting Room Rules

  • The maximum group size is 8 total people. (Combined visitors and patients)
  • Visitors are required to pre-register for visits and shall follow the online visiting process to apply for an appointment to visit.
  • Patients positive for COVID-19 or on quarantined or isolation units will not be allowed to visit.
  • Department of Police Services will confirm the visit with the visitor before the date of the visit.
  • Visitors should arrive 30 minutes prior to their visit to complete the visitor screening process.
  • No outside food or drinks will be allowed inside visiting areas. Patients are permitted to order food items from the Union Square Grill prior to the visit. Food items can be purchased for themselves and their visitor(s). Drinks are not allowed to be brought to visiting and must be purchased in visiting. Food items brought into visiting from the Union Square Grill must be consumed during the visit and are not allowed to leave the visiting room.
  • Visitors may bring their prescribed medications.
    • Visitors will be briefly escorted outside when needed to take their medication and water will be provided.
  • Visitors and patients will be allowed a brief handshake or hug at the beginning and end of the visit.
  • Hand sanitizer will be provided at the entrance to visiting and in the patient search area for the visitor and patient to sanitize their hands before and after the visit.
  • All the private rooms will remain open for attorney or evaluator visits and are not reflected in the room capacity

Please note: You will be required to present your ID at the beginning of the web conference. The information provided will need to match what has been submitted, so please fill out the form with your legal name as it appears on your state-issued ID.

To make tele-visitation available as soon as possible, this process has been implemented while still in development. Due to current limitations and the need for individual background checks, only one visitor will be allowed per time slot. We hope to allow for multiple visitors at once as soon as possible.

Tele-visiting is not available on weekends or holidays.

Visiting Room Regulations

Welfare and Institutions Code 4139 makes it a misdemeanor to deliver to a patient in a State Hospital any of the following items:

  • A cellular telephone or wireless communication device or a component thereof such as a SIM card.
  • Tobacco products.
  • Money in excess of the limitations and restrictions adopted by the hospital.

Coalinga State Hospital encourages visits from relatives and friends. We recognize them to be an important part of the individual’s therapeutic process. Authorized visits will not be denied unless such a visit is declined by the individual, or deemed to be harmful to the individual.

Department of State Hospitals – Statewide Contraband List

In accordance with Welfare & Institutions Code Section 7295, to ensure its safety and security, the Department of State Hospitals has developed a list of items deemed contraband at every state hospital.

A. "Contraband" means materials, articles, or goods that patients are prohibited from having in their possession because such materials, articles or goods present a risk to safety and security in the facility. (Welf. & Inst. Code, 7295, subd. (i); Cal. Code Regs., tit. 9, 881, subd. (e).)

B. Items restricted to use only under supervision or control may be considered contraband for the purposes of this list, as they should not be in patient's possession without supervision. All items that are illegal to possess are by default considered to be contraband, whether specifically contained in this list or not. This includes any items prohibited as a condition of parole as it applies to any patient on active parole while housed in a DSH facility.

Statewide Contraband List

Site Specific Contraband List

Visiting Hours:

  • 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 7- days per week, including holidays *No visitors will be processed after 1:45 p.m.

Visitor Processing and Required Identification:

  • Visitor processing takes approximately 30 minutes. The last appointment starts at 2:00PM.
  • Visitors must present a valid government issued form of photo identification, address, telephone number, vehicle license number if applicable and relationship to the Individual.
  • Visiting is on a first come, first serve basis. Should Visiting Room capacity be reached, some visitors may be asked to shorten their visit. Visiting may implement a rotation system if necessary.
  • This is a secure facility and for safety and security reasons visitors are subject to search.
  • Attorneys requiring room reservation for clients, please contact(559) 934-3061 or (559) 934-3062 at least two business days prior to requested date. Rooms are subject to availability.

Special Visitor Clearance Required:

  • Minors (under the age of 18), International visitors, former employees, students or contract employees of DSH, former patients and former CDCR Inmates or staff, must advise and/or obtain written permission prior to the visit. Please contact External Affairs for special instructions (559) 935-4099.


  • Visitors are expected to dress to meet the constraints of the hospital setting. Attire shall be conservative and non-revealing. Visitors not properly dressed will not be admitted into the visiting room.
  • Clothing that is prohibited is that which represents the uniform or clothing worn by Individuals, staff or officers. This includes scrubs and khaki colored clothing, etc.
  • Examples of inappropriate clothing; strapless garments, halter, bare midriff or tank tops (male or female), transparent clothing, wrap-around tops, under wire garments, shorts, or clothing with hoods. Skirts or dresses shorter than mid-thigh, exercise type clothing (i.e., spandex, leotards), excessively loose, skin-tight or excess clothing (i.e., hats, gloves). Clothing with language, images or symbols identified as gang or gang affiliated, clothing with logos that are derogatory or anti-therapeutic, e.g profane, disrespectful, sexual, or make reference to drugs, alcohol or criminal activity. Clothing with metal and/or gemstone decoration and clothing with hoods are not allowed.
  • Wigs will be permitted when worn for medical reasons and prior approval has been obtained from DPS.
  • Open toed shoes or shoes without a back strap are not allowed.
  • Jewelry should be kept to a minimum, e.g. a watch, a wedding band, one bracelet. No facial jewelry other than earrings that are 1/4" or smaller.
  • Visitors shall not wear any item that encircles the neck that could be used as a choking or strangulation device. Examples include, but are not limited to: neckties and scarves.
  • DSH-C is not responsible for damage or theft of any item brought into the Visiting Room.

Items Allowed in Visiting Room:

  • Up to $75.00 in $1.00 increments or unwrapped coins for use in vending machine.
  • Thirty (30) loose photographs. DPS will review the photographs to assure suitability.
  • Medication required by visitor is limited to life-sustaining medication only in pill form. Only the amount needed during the visit will be allowed. All medication must be accompanied by a note from the prescribing physician. **no refrigeration capability exists for the Visiting Room**
  • Direct transfer of property between Individual and visitor is prohibited. Property must be given to the Visiting Center Police Officer for proper handling.

Visiting Room Conduct:

  • Individual and visitor may embrace and kiss at the beginning and end of each visit which is limited to momentary contact.
  • During visit, the Individual and visitor may hold hands. Any other contact is prohibited and may result in termination of the visit.
  • Any misconduct may result in termination and violators may be subject to prosecution if determined to be a violation of the law.

Please note this is not a complete list of regulations.

Select Language: English | Español (Spanish) | 한국인 (Korean) | Tagalog | 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese) | Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)

DSH-Napa Important Visiting Information   Back to Top

DSH-Napa offers both in-person and tele-visits.

Department of State Hospitals is open for both in-person and tele-visitation. Protocols for in-person visits have been developed based on CDPH and CDC guidance. The below guidelines are implemented in order to keep patients and their visitors safe from COVID-19 or other illnesses.

  • In-person visitation may be modified or suspended based on the hospital's current COVID-19 conditions or as recommended by CDC, CDPH, and local Public Health Department guidance.
  • Patients with active COVID-19 disease or in quarantine are not permitted to have in-person visitors until release criteria is met.
  • Each patient is allowed up to four visitors per visit.
  • Visitors are screened for COVID-19 including:
    • Signs and symptoms of COVID-19
    • Close contact with individuals with COVID-19 in the prior 14 days
    • Visitors who are screened out will be asked to leave the hospital immediately and reschedule the visit.
  • Hand hygiene should be performed by both parties before and after the visit.
  • Infection prevention measures are performed by hospital staff before and after each visit, including cleaning of tables, chairs, commonly touched surfaces, etc.
DSH-Napa Visitation Scheduling (NOTE: best viewed using Chrome)

All visits must be scheduled in advance. There is no walk-in visitation at this time. Please read through and comply with the visitor guidelines before using the scheduling link to reserve your visit.
DSH-Napa Visitation Scheduling  (NOTE: best viewed using Chrome, Internet Explorer may not be supported)


  • Times for scheduled visits: 0900, 1000, 1100, 1330, 1430, 1500
  • All visits are limited to 45 minutes due to scheduling and infection control measures, with the exception of the 1500 time slot which is limited to 30 minutes.
  • In-person visits can be scheduled on Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday for all time slots. On Sunday in-person visits can only be scheduled for the 0900, 1000, 1100 and 1330 time slots.
  • Televisits can be scheduled on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday for all time slots. On Sunday televisits can only be scheduled for the 1430 & 1500 time slots.
  • All in-person visits must be scheduled in advance through the following link: DSH-Napa Visitation Scheduling.


  • Times for scheduled visits: 0900, 1000, 1100, 1330, 1430, 1500
  • All visits are limited to 45 minutes due to scheduling and infection control measures, with the exception of the 1500 time slot which is limited to 30 minutes.
  • In-person visits can be scheduled on Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday for all time slots. On Sunday in-person visits can only be scheduled for the 0900, 1000, 1100 and 1330 time slots.
  • Televisits can be scheduled on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday for all time slots. On Sunday televisits can only be scheduled for the 1430 & 1500 time slots.
  • Requests to have an extended visit covering two time slots can be considered on a case-by-case basis for those coming from long distances. This must be requested in advance.

Visits will be on a first come first serve basis and are subject to change at any time. Incomplete or inaccurate requests may be denied.

Technology Requirements to Participate in a WebEx Meeting


Mobile Device:

Additional information:

  • All requests for visiting will be processed by Department of Police Services. If the visitor is restricted from grounds or has an active warrant, the in-person or tele-visit will be denied.
  • The Department of Police Services visitor review process will take approximately three calendar days.
  • Once approved by the Department of Police Services, and the visit is accepted by the patient, the visitor will receive a confirmation email with visit day, time, and link if it is a tele-visit.

Visiting Center Contact Information

Visiting Center - Secured Treatment Area

(707) 253-5110

Visiting Center - Program 4

(707) 254-2322

After Hours (4:00 PM - 8:00 AM)

(707) 253-5990

Department of State Hospitals – Statewide Contraband List

In accordance with Welfare & Institutions Code Section 7295, to ensure its safety and security, the Department of State Hospitals has developed a list of items deemed contraband at every state hospital.

A. "Contraband" means materials, articles, or goods that patients are prohibited from having in their possession because such materials, articles or goods present a risk to safety and security in the facility.

B. Items restricted to use only under supervision or control may be considered contraband for the purposes of this list, as they should not be in patient's possession without supervision. All items that are illegal to possess are by default considered to be contraband, whether specifically contained in this list or not. This includes any items prohibited as a condition of parole as it applies to any patient on active parole while housed in a DSH facility.

Statewide and DSH-Napa Contraband List

Gifts & Donations

Gifts and donations, including money, supplies, equipment, or miscellaneous items are received and registered by the Volunteer Center. A receipt for tax purposes is available upon request. Gifts or donations intended for a specific purpose or patient group will be recorded as such, and used only for that purpose. All other gifts and donations will be used for the benefit of patients, hospital wide, including client activities and special events. If you would like to give a gift/donation, you may contact the Volunteer Services Office at (707) 253-5505.

Ordering Items for Family, Friend or Loved Ones

Packages sent to patients must be from a vendor. Packages assembled from home will not be accepted. All incoming packages must come to the hospital through the U.S. Postal Service, or other recognized vendor delivery service. Packages received or sent to and from patients will not be more than 24 inches in length, 19 inches in width and 12 inches high and will not weigh more than 30 pounds. Patients are allowed 8 packages in a quarter (January-March; April-June; July-September; October- December). An order that comes in multiple packages from a vendor will count as one package, only if the sender has submitted a copy of the invoice to the Package Center within two days of placing the order. This invoice may be faxed to 707-254-2448 or emailed to the following address:

Visiting Days and Hours:

Family members and friends are encouraged to participate in pre-scheduled visits. Regular visiting hours are between 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. seven days a week and holidays. Patients participate in scheduled daily activities including therapy and educational programs. With advance notice, we can prevent unnecessary delays in your visit and interruptions in the individual's treatment schedule.

On rare occasions, it may be in the best interest of the patient for the treatment team to limit visiting. Program staff will advise and discuss with the patient's family/friends any such restrictions.

Attorneys and/or their representatives may visit during regular visiting hours (with the exception of weekends and holidays) without an appointment, if they do not require the private attorney room.

Attorneys wishing to conduct a private consultation with a patient must contact the Hospital in advance so that a private room may be reserved.

Visiting for Children:

Minors may only visit when accompanied by an adult escort and with approval in advance by the Patient's Treatment Team. The Treatement Team approval requires written consent from the parent/guardian to submit a completed Minor Visitation Authorization form. This form can be requested from the Patient's social worker. The form will be kept on file in the Patient's record until the parent/guardian rescinds the consent.

If a minor is an emancipated adult, a certified copy of the court order for emancipation must be provided prior to a visit.

All minors, other than the emancipated minor, must be constantly supervised, accompanied to and from the restroom and remain in the immediate area of their parent(s), legal guardian, or immediate family member.

Visiting Identification Requirements:

In-Person Visits: All visitors must register at the Sallyport with the Hospital Police Officers prior to each visit. A Visitor's Information form is to be completed or to be on file. All visitors shall present proof of identity before being permitted to visit. Proof of identification requires a valid driver's license, state issued identification card or official pictured ID such as a passport.

Tele-visits: Approved visitors will have their identity verified at the beginning of the tele-visit. Only previously approved visitors can participate in the tele-visit and be visible on the screen. No restricted visitor will be allowed to participate. The visitation maybe be terminated for failure to comply.

In-Person Visitor Processing:

  • All visitors must wear shoes or sandals.
  • Visitors must be fully clothed - blouses with skirts, pants or bermuda shorts, or dresses for women; shirts with pants or bermuda shorts for men.
  • Visitors may not wear clothing that exposes the breast, back area, genitals, or buttocks.
  • Visitors may not wear any sheer or transparent garments.
  • Except for religious headgear, visitors may not wear any hats in the Visiting Center.
  • For security reasons visitors must not wear clothing that in any way resembles the state-issued clothing or Hospital Police’s uniforms (no dark brown or khaki colored clothing).
  • It is recommended that all visitors leave their purses and other personal property in their vehicles if possible. If these items are brought to the Visiting Center, they will be placed in a locker and the visitor will retain the key.
  • All visitors shall be processed through the metal detector and all property brought into the Visiting Center may be searched by Hospital Police.

Items NOT Allowed on Hospital Grounds:

Alcoholic beverages, drugs, poisons, weapons, cameras, recording devices are not allowed on hospital grounds.

Items NOT Allowed During Visits:

The following items will NOT be allowed in the Visiting Center:

  • Battery-operated toys, or toys with metal parts.
  • Baby strollers.
  • Baby powder or lotion.
  • Thermos bottles or open containers containing liquid refreshments.
  • Tablecloths.
  • Glass utensils or containers.
  • Blankets (except baby blankets).
  • Faulty or leaky containers.
  • No coolers/ice chests.

Visitors with young children will be permitted to take into the Visiting Center the following items:

  • Two (2) disposable diapers, per baby.
  • Two (2) baby bottles (plastic) of pre-mixed formula, milk, or juice, per baby.
  • One (1) change of clothes, per baby.
  • One (1) baby blanket, per baby.
  • One (1) small noiseless toy, not resembling a weapon, per child.
  • Baby carrier.
  • Diaper bag or tote for baby items.

Friends and Family MAY bring the following authorized items with them on their visit:

  • Approved religious headgear
  • A religious medal, bible or religious publications
  • Wedding ring
  • Prescription glasses
  • Handkerchief
  • Locker key.
  • A maximum of $10.00 for the vending machines. This can be in the form of bills or coins. Coins cannot be in wrappers.
  • Legal papers to conduct business during the course of visit.

Visitor/Patient Food Privileges:

Visitors MAY bring food to be consumed in the Visiting Center in accordance with the following requirements:

Food and drink items may not be taken to the Unit and must be consumed at the Visiting Center.

Food items will be limited to those items that can be carried in one container, outside dimensions not to exceed 13" wide, 19" long and 13" high.

All items brought to the Visiting Center are subject to a thorough visual search by the Hospital Police. Searching will be accomplished as deemed necessary by the assigned HPO staff, to restrict the introduction of contraband into the Visiting Center. All food containers will be opened to assure the contents do not contain contraband. Where questionable items are involved, the duty HPO will positively determine the food items are contraband free. This could include cutting the meats, pies, cakes, etc., or stirring the food items with supplied equipment.

Visitors and patients are restricted to the use of one table only, to both eat and store their food. The joining of an extra table, use of floor, or chairs to store and eat food is not permitted. The sharing of food with other visitors or patients is not permitted.

All visitors and patients consuming foods in the Visiting Center are required to clear, on and around tables, any uneaten foods, crumbs, or trash prior to termination of the visit. Trashcans are provided for the disposal of all trash.

Non-allowable items related to the consumption of food

  • No whole melon-type foods.
  • No liquid refreshments other than those available in the Visiting Center.

Responsibility & Conduct of Vistors/Patients:

The Patient and his/her visitor will be expected to recognize that the Visiting Center is a public facility and that other Patients, visitors, and families, including those with children, will often be present. Accordingly, Patients and their visitors will also be expected to adhere to the following basic standards of public conduct for both in-person and tele-visits:

  • Behavior that is illegal or sexual in nature will not be permitted.
  • No tobacco use or smoking is allowed during any visits.
  • Other than holding hands during the visit, all other personal contact should not be excessive in duration.
  • Visitors or Patients will not be permitted to sit on each other's laps.
  • Patients are not allowed to change baby diapers or remove the baby's or minor's clothing for any purpose. All changing of diapers will be in the Visitors Restroom.
  • Improper behavior by the Patient or visitor shall result in the immediate termination of the visit and the Patient being returned to the unit.
  • Criminal activity observed during the visit will be processed in accordance with applicable laws.

Select Language: English | Español (Spanish) | 한국인 (Korean) | Tagalog | 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese) | Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)

DSH-Metropolitan Important Visiting Information:   Back to Top

Visits from family and friends are an important part of the patients' therapeutic progress. All visits are screened by DSH-M's Police Department. Visit may be denied if considered to be therapeutically harmful to the patient. All patients retain the right to decline visits from anyone.

Department of State Hospitals - Metropolitan offers in-person and virtual visitation. This information can be shared with family and friends who may wish to visit. It can also be found on the DSH-Metropolitan webpage under 'Visitor Information'.

If you have any questions, please contact your designated Social Worker or the social work department at (562) 474-2896.

General Guidelines:

  • In-person visitation may be modified or suspended based on the hospital's current COVID-19 conditions or as recommended by CDC, CDPH, and local Public Health Department guidance.
  • Patients in isolation with active COVID-19 virus are not permitted to have in-person visitors until released from isolation.
  • If the unit is on quarantine, the patients on that unit may not have in-person visits until quarantine is lifted. Televisits will be offered for patients if their unit is on quarantine.
  • Infection prevention measures are performed by hospital staff before and after each visit, including cleaning of tables, chairs, commonly touched surfaces, etc.
  • Hand hygiene should be performed by both parties before and after the visit
  • Snacks and beverages from the vending machines (located in the Visiting Center) are available to purchase for their visits.
  • Patients residing in Programs II/III/IV/V will conduct their visits in the Visiting Center located inside the Secured Treatment Area. Patients residing in Program 1 will conduct their visits in the designated Program 1 visiting area. Program 6/Skilled Nursing Facility residents may have their visits in the Visiting Center inside the Secured Treatment Area or in a designated visiting area approved by Program Management.
  • Special circumstances may be permitted for visits to occur outside of regularly scheduled hours.
  • Each visit is allowed up to two adult visitors and one minor visitor. Minors must be accompanied by an adult who is responsible for the supervision of the minor.
  • For in-person visits, visitors are encouraged to arrive at least 20 minutes prior to their scheduled visits in order to complete the screening process timely.

Visiting Hours

DSH-Metropolitan’s Visiting Hours

Penal Code Patients' Visiting Hours (including Unit 410)
Behind Secured Treatment Area

Physical Visit
Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
0900, 1000, 1100, 1330, 1430, 1530

Tele Visit
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
0900, 1000, 1100, 1330, 1430, 1530

Sunday Physical Visit
0900, 1000, 1100, 1330

Sunday Tele Visit
1430, 1530

Lanterman Petris Short (LPS 5358) Patients' Visiting Hours
Program 1

Physical Visit
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Saturday and Sunday

Tele Visit (45 Minutes Only)
Monday and Friday

Online visitation request portal: View - Visitation Request

Visitor Attire

Visitors are expected to dress in an appropriate manner so as not to cause disruption in the Visiting Center. Visitors who are dressed in such a manner as to cause disruption shall be denied access to the Visiting Center and have the opportunity to return for a visit when appropriate attire is worn. Attire should be conservative and non-revealing. The following clothing items will not be allowed in the Visiting Center:

  1. Khaki-colored clothing. Visitors are prohibited from wearing khaki-colored clothing of any variation.
  2. Clothing which in any way resembles officers' or patients' clothing.
  3. Camouflage-type clothing or Army fatigues.
  4. Wigs, except for medical reasons with prior approval.
  5. Scarves, hats, bandanas, gloves or other excess clothing.
  6. Offensive or hate/extremist/gang clothing (baggy clothing).
  7. No open toed shoes or shoes with a heel greater than one inch.
  8. Athletic jerseys.
  9. No provocative clothing.

Official Visitors

Official visitors may include public guardians, public defenders, court personnel, county case managers, attorneys, etc. Requests for visits are coordinated through DSH-M's Forensic Department. Email or call (562) 521-1509 or (562) 521-1510.

Forms of Identification

The following are the only acceptable forms of identification for adult visitors:

  1. Any U.S State or territory valid driver's license with photo.
  2. Any U.S. State or territory valid Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) Identification Card with photo.
  3. Valid U.S. passport with photo. d. U.S Military Identification Card with photo.
  4. USINS Alien Identification Card with photo

Acceptable identification cards for MINORS:

  1. birth certificate, school ID, CA DMV ID, and U.S. Government issued ID.
  • Matricula Consular de Alta Seguridad (MCAS) is not an acceptable form of identification.

DSH-Metro Visitation Scheduling  (NOTE: best viewed using Chrome)


Both in-person and virtual visits are available. All patients at DSH-Metropolitan are able to participate in visits depending on scheduling availability. This link will take the visitor to the Tele-Visit form. Instructions are provided on the form.

Please note: For televisits, the visitor(s) will be required to present their ID at the beginning of the web conference. The information provided will need to match what has been submitted. The form should include the legal name as it appears on the visitor's state-issued ID. Once the visit request form is completed and submitted online, hospital staff will contact the visitor to arrange the date and time of the visit.

Department of State Hospitals – Statewide Contraband List (Social Workers has updated Contraband list)

In accordance with Welfare & Institutions Code Section 7295, to ensure its safety and security, the Department of State Hospitals has developed a list of items deemed contraband at every state hospital.

A. "Contraband" means materials, articles, or goods that patients are prohibited from having in their possession because such materials, articles or goods present a risk to safety and security in the facility. (Welf. & Inst. Code, 7295, subd. (i); Cal. Code Regs., tit. 9, 881, subd. (e).)

B. Items restricted to use only under supervision or control may be considered contraband for the purposes of this list, as they should not be in patient's possession without supervision. All items that are illegal to possess are by default considered to be contraband, whether specifically contained in this list or not. This includes any items prohibited as a condition of parole as it applies to any patient on active parole while housed in a DSH facility.

LPS Contraband List

STA Contraband List


Metropolitan State Hospital is a tobacco free facility. No use of tobacco in any form is allowed on the hospital grounds.

All visits must be scheduled in advance. There is no walk-in visitation at this time. Please read through and comply with the visitor guidelines before using the scheduling link to reserve your visit.
DSH-Metropolitan Visitation Scheduling  (NOTE: best viewed using Chrome, Internet Explorer may not be supported)


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DSH-Patton Important Visiting Information:   Back to Top

To protect patients and staff from exposure to the coronavirus (COVID-19), normal in-person visiting to all hospitals has been modified, including court-ordered evaluations, other legal matters, and end-of-life care. In the event of other special situations in which visitation may be considered, approval of the hospital's medical director would be required.

All approved in-person visitors will be subject to a health screening for COVID-19.

Our Program now includes in-person visits and remote visits. If you are interested in scheduling either an in-person visit or a remote visit with your loved one, see the guidelines below.

In-Person Visiting Center – We are Re-Opening!

Any scheduled visits after 2:00 pm on November 27, 2024 will not be processed until December 2, 2024

Attention Visitors: DSH-Patton would like to thank visitors for their patience during this time that in-person visiting has been unavailable due to necessary repairs.

Our estimated date to re-open::

September 17, 2024

Please note that due to the recent Line Fire, the re-opening date may be impacted.

Remote visits are available for scheduling. For updates, kindly check our website: California Department of State Hospitals - Patton Visitor Information. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this maintenance period. We apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to welcoming you back soon!

All visits must be scheduled in advance. There is no walk-in visitation at this time. Please read through and comply with the visitor guidelines before sending in your completed Visitor Request and Authorization Form to reserve your visit.

Please read this entire page BEFORE visiting. Failing to do so may result in delays or cancelled visits.

Quick links:

General Guidelines

Visiting applications are valid for one year. Prior to an in-person and remote visits, all visitors must re- apply using the attached link Visitor Request and Authorization Form.

All approved in-person visitors will be subject to a health screening for COVID-19.

Hospitals reserve the right to deny visitation based on infection prevention measures not included in these guidelines.

Visitor Process Requirements

All visitors must complete the Visitor Request and Authorization Form and submit it with a copy of photo identification to the Hospital Police Department prior to visiting. You may also submit via or mailed to 3102 East Highland Ave Patton, CA 92369.

Visitor Identification Requirements

Upon arrival, all approved visitors must check-in with the Visiting Center officer and present the officer with their acceptable form of identification listed below. In addition, the officer will ask the visitor to give his/her name, date of birth, address, telephone number, and relationship to patient. This Information will be kept on file.

The following shall be acceptable forms of identification:

  • Valid driver's license with picture
  • Valid Department of Motor Vehicles' identification card with picture
  • Valid federal passport with picture
  • Armed forces identification card with picture
  • Identification cards issued by the United States Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service
  • Valid Mexican Consulate identification with picture

Approval is expected to take 1 - 2 weeks, based on the number of registration forms received.

Email to inquire status of approval. Once approved, register for your visit via: Visit Request and Scheduling

The visitor will be allowed restricted (no contact visits), pending the California Law Enforcement Telecommunication System (CLETS) review. Hospital police will still run the CLETS and if criteria is met to have a no contact visit or restrict the visit all together, then the information will be placed on the visitors list and the Hospital Administrator and Executive Director will be notified.

General In-Person Visitor Information

All visits are confirmed via email. DO NOT come for a visit without prior email confirmation of visit.

Day of Visit: We ask that all visitors arrive 30 minutes prior to their visit to ensure the screening process is complete and to ensure a timely visit.

Number of Visitors: No more than two (2) persons may visit any one patient at a time.

Children Visits (limited to Saturday afternoon): No more than three (3) persons may visit any one patient at a time. (This may be one (1) adult and two (2) children or two (2) adults and one (1) child).

Length of Visit: For in-person visits, length of visit will be scheduled for one (1) hour per visit per patient.

Long Distance Travel: Visitors who reside 100 miles or more from DSH - Patton may request extended visits during available appointment times any day of the week (except during children's visits on Saturday afternoon), depending on space availability, and only in keeping with the above schedule. Contact the patient's Social Worker (Special Visitation Request must be competed) to request approval.

Patients' Visitation Rights: Patients have the right to refuse any visit.

Disabled Access: Disabled parking is a premium, very limited and often filled during visitation hours. Visitors are advised to plan on coming extra early and dropping the disabled person off near the West Compound Gate, so that they can use the benches while waiting to go inside for their visit. During the summer, be aware of the warm weather and wear hats, and long sleeves/ protective clothing to avoid excessive exposure to the sun while waiting to visit. Sometimes the area is quite crowded, and people have to stand and wait in the sun.

Visiting With Children

Children cannot be left unsupervised while an adult visits. Failure to comply with this may result in termination of visit.

All children under the age of 18 may only visit a patient with the approval from both a parent/guardian of the child and from the patient's interdisciplinary team. A copy of the child's birth certificate is also required. An approved adult escort must accompany the child throughout the visit.

  • Permitted Visiting Days:
    • All children under the age of 16 (sixteen) may only visit on Saturday afternoon from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm provided the above-mentioned approvals are in place.
    • Children between the ages of 16 (sixteen) and under 18 (eighteen) may visit any day of the week provided the above-mentioned approvals are in place.
  • Physical Contact: Physical contact between patients and children will be permitted only when authorized by the interdisciplinary team and when supervised by staff on a one-on-one ratio (A brief hug upon initiating the visit and a brief hug upon termination of the visit is the only physical contact allowed in an attempt to protect patients, staff, and visitors from Corona Virus (COVID-19)).
  • Emancipated Minors: Authorized adult visitors must be over 18 years of age. Those children who are emancipated minors must bring proof (original copy of documentation) from the court in order to visit as an adult. Identification will be required to show proof of age.

Visitor Center Regular Hours (Including Holidays)

Sunday through Friday

  • From 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Adult visits only (unless a child visit has received special approval and scheduling).
  • Times for scheduled visits: 8:30, 9:30, 1:00, 2:00
  • Patient Count - From 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. there is a pause in visitor processing during the patient count procedure, NO VISITORS WILL BE PROCESSED DURING THIS TIME AND VISITOR PROCESSING WILL RESUME AT 12:30 p.m.
  • Visitor processing ends at 2:00 p.m. each day.


  • 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. - Adult visits only
  • Patient Count - From 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. there is a pause in visitor processing during the patient count procedure, NO VISITORS WILL BE PROCESSED DURING THIS TIME AND VISITOR PROCESSING WILL RESUME AT 12:30 p.m.
  • 12:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. - Approved children visits only (with adult escorts).
  • Visitor processing ends at 2:00 p.m. each day.

Contraband and Allowed Items for Patients

Any item that constitutes a safety or security concern can be denied or confiscated. The ALLOWABLE PROPERTY/CONTRABAND LIST identifies items that are not allowed and the reason why they are not allowed. It also lists items that can be allowed under limited conditions and what those conditions are.

This is especially important as it is a misdemeanor crime (Welfare and Institutions code 4139) to deliver to a patient in a State Hospital any of the following items:

  • A cellular telephone or other wireless communication device, or any component thereof, including, but not limited to, a subscriber identity card (SIM card) or memory storage device.
  • Tobacco products.

Before you bring any items to a patient, make sure to review the list linked above and make sure you are not violating hospital policy. Any visitor found bringing contraband into the facility may have their authorization to visit withdrawn for a minimum of 30 days.

Contraband Items

The following items, are not allowed to be brought into the Visitor Center may include but are not limited to:

  • food items
  • alcoholic beverages
  • drugs/medications
  • cigarettes or tobacco products
  • poisons
  • glue
  • firearms or any weapons
  • cameras or recording devices
  • pets (except for service animals)
  • radios or televisions
  • musical instruments
  • diaper bags or strollers
  • pens or pencils
  • papers, books, written material, photos
  • legal documents

Allowed Items while Visiting

When visitors have children with them, they are permitted to the take the following items into the visiting room:

  • one (1) baby carrier/car seat
  • one (1) baby blanket
  • three (3) diapers
  • three (3) clear plastic bottles
  • one (1) container of baby wipes
  • one (1) toy (noiseless and non-stuffed)


No outside food is allowed during visits. Vending machines are available and are limited to drinks and snacks.

  • Each visitor is allowed to bring in no more than $15.00 in change for vending machine purchasing. No debit card/electronic payment will be permitted.
  • Funds lost when using the vending machine may be refunded by the Trust Office. Refund slips are available from Visiting Center staff.

  • Visitors are not permitted to give patients any money at any time during the visit.
  • Patients are not allowed to handle any money at any time during the visit.
  • Patients are not to operate the vending machines at any time.
  • No exceptions to the above rules. Violation of these rules could lead to discontinuation of visit.
  • Water will be provided upon request.

No Contact Visits

The “NO CONTACT” area may only be utilized for visits with patients who have been identified, through credible documentation, to have done the following:

  • Used, sold, possessed, or transported tobacco, illegal drug, drug paraphernalia, or other contraband.
  • Tested positive for narcotics or illicit drugs within the past 90 days or where there have been clinical indications of the patient being under the influence and a drug screen has been refused by the patient.
  • Currently presents a physical risk to visitors or may compromise the safety and security of this facility.
  • The “NO CONTACT” visiting will be considered prior to a formal denial of visitation rights.

Proper Attire

Visitors must be fully clothed and appropriately dressed and groomed.

The following items are prohibited:

  • No dark brown or khaki clothing that resembles patient's clothes.
  • No tank tops, halter-tops, low cut tops, bare midriff, or revealing tops.
  • No short shorts - no higher than 2 inches above the knee (Bermuda shorts acceptable)
  • No short skirts or dresses (no higher than 2 inches above the knee)
  • No slits in garments that expose more than the knee.
  • No see through clothing or skintight (all spandex type shorts or pants must be covered with a shirt or blouse down to the middle of the thigh)
  • No headgear (hat, scarves, etc.)
  • No clothing with obscene or disparaging language or pictures
  • No clothing resembling any notorious group.
  • No uniforms of any type (except active military), no military fatigues
  • No wigs or hairpieces shall be allowed without approval of the Watch Sergeant (approval shall be based on need, e.g., baldness)
  • No sunglasses unless prescription sunglasses
  • No neckwear (scarves, ties, necklaces, etc.)
  • No heavy metal jewelry and no sharp edges. Visitors should wear a minimal amount of jewelry (e.g., wedding bands, , one bracelet, and watch)
  • No "wire type" underwire bras (plastic stay version are allowed)

General Guidelines for Remote Visitation

Visit Request and Scheduling ((NOTE: best viewed using Chrome)

Guidelines for Remote visits with a patient:

  • You will be required to present your ID at the beginning of the web conference. The information provided will need to match what has been submitted, so please fill out the form with your legal name as it appears on your state-issued ID.
  • You will be required to present your ID at the beginning of the web conference. The information provided will need to match what has been submitted, so please fill out the form with your legal name as it appears on your state-issued ID.
  • Remote visits with minors will take place on Fridays only.
  • We recommend visitors remain logged in while the meeting is loading.

Technology Requirements to Participate in a WebEx Meeting


Mobile Device:

  • WebEx App
  • Stable internet connection (Wi-Fi or cellular)
  • Headphones with microphone (preferred)
  • Front facing camera
  • Computer WebEx Tutorial

Additional information:

  • All applications for visitors for remote visits will be processed by Department of Police Services in the manner like in-person visiting. If the visitor is restricted from grounds or has an active warrant, the remote visit will be denied.
  • Once approved and the visit is scheduled, the visitor will receive a confirmation email with remote visit day, time, and link to the remote visit.
  • Approved visitors will have their identity verified at the beginning of the remote visit. Only previously approved visitors can participate I the remote visit and be visible on the screen. No restricted visitors will be allowed to participate. The visitation may be terminated for failure to comply.
  • During the visit, the patient and the visitor will be expected to adhere to the same rules and regulations as in-person visits. This includes but is not limited to attire, appropriate behavior, and the showing of photographs. Any misconduct may result in termination of the visit.
  • Criminal activity observed during the visit will be processed in accordance with applicable laws.

Patient Trust Office

Visitors wanting to leave funds for a patient can either mail checks/money orders to the Trust Office or visit the Accounting Office in the Administration Building. Accounting Office is open Monday-Friday 0800-1630, closed holidays, and weekends. . Visiting Center staff are prohibited from accepting funds for deposit to patients account or for delivery to the Trust Office.

Please fully complete the checks/money orders and make payable to: Patton State Hospital for (insert patient's name). If mailing, please address envelope:

Department of State Hospitals - Patton
Attention: Trust Office
3102 East Highland Avenue
Patton, California 92369

If wanting to use a debit/credit card, please visit or call (636) 888-7004 (Access Corrections). Must have patient 7-digit patient identification number with the number "8" in front of the identification number.