DSH - Patton: Family and Friend Resources


The Line Fire which erupted on Thursday, September 5, 2024 continues to grow and has resulted in impact to our community. Safety for our staff and patients is a primary concern, as are mental and physical well-being. DSH-Patton leadership and Sacramento leadership are actively in communication regarding the Line Fire and in efforts to best ensure the safety of all patients and staff and have activated the Hospital Incident Command System. In addition we are maintaining regular contact with California Office of Emergency Services and CalFire to ensure up to date information is received and appropriate actions are taken.

Updates will be provided as information is received regarding the fire and its location in proximity to the hospital. We want to reassure you all that we are making every effort to ensure the overall safety of our staff and patients.

If you have any questions please contact DSH-Patton’s Public Information Officer, Tanya McDonald 909-672-1399 M-F or 909-633-1611 after hours.

Update 9/13/2024: There is no immediate fire threat to the facility from either the Line Fire or the Bridge Fire. DSH continues to monitor the situation with both.

Patients were again allowed outdoors and if air quality remains high, outdoor activities will continue. DSH-Patton continues installation of additional indoor air filters and purifiers across the facility.

Further updates to this webpage are not anticipated unless a new threat to the facility emerges.

Other Resources for Wildfire Preparedness:

Get air quality alerts, current air quality conditions, and forecasts by downloading the South Coast AQMD mobile app or visiting the interactive map;
Get air quality advisories on the South Coast AQMD Advisory webpage or by email by subscribing at AirAlerts.org;
Wildfires and Health (PDF) fact sheet;
California Dept. of Public Health: Safe Cleanup of Ash;
California Dept. of Public Health DEODC Emergency Preparedness - factsheet: "Reduce Exposure to Ash When Returning Home After a Fire" (PDF)


Dear Friends and Family of DSH-Patton Patients,

On behalf of DSH-Patton, we want to reassure you that your loved ones are the hospital’s top priority.  As you are aware, a new type of coronavirus, abbreviated COVID-19, is causing an outbreak of respiratory (lung) disease and impacting communities across the country.  

We want to inform and reassure you that officials here at DSH-Patton and headquarters in Sacramento are following the Centers for Disease Control, California Department of Public Health, and World Health Organization guidelines and protocols in an effort to ensure that patients and staff throughout the hospital stay healthy. The following are precautionary measures DSH-Patton is taking to prevent the potential spread of infection:

  • All staff are screened daily prior to entering the hospital, including temperature checks
  • Staff are directed to stay home if they are sick, and are sent home if they become sick during their shift
  • Social distancing of at least 6 feet is being implemented wherever feasible
  • Hospital staff are regularly educating patients on proper hygiene and social distancing
  • As of April 21, 2021, the Visitors' Center resumed in-person (on-site) visiting. Visit the Visitor Information page to schedule a remote (tele-visit) or in-person (on-site) visiting.

We realize the impact this is having to patients’ families and loved ones during this unprecedented time. We want you to know that the safety and health of patients and their loved ones is our top priority. As part of our on-going efforts to improve communication, address your concerns, and provide real-time information, we have the following available:

Contact Us

  • Visit and explore our website for additional information.
  • Call us at 1-(909) 425-7912 or toll-free at 1-(833)-949-2538. Leave a detailed message with your name, number and concerns, and a Social Work representative will return your call.

Telephone Access for Patients

On each residential unit there are two telephones available to patients - one is for outgoing calls and one is for incoming calls. Outgoing phones are left on all the time, 24 hours/day; however, incoming phones are shut off from 10 p.m. each evening to 6 a.m. each morning.

Mailing Services


  • All incoming and outgoing letters to and from patients (exception - WIC 5358/LPS patients have the right to receive unopened correspondence, which will be opened in front of staff) shall be opened and inspected for contraband by staff.
  • All photos, received through the mail, will be screened by the staff. Polaroid pictures are not allowed to come in through the mail. Patients are not allowed to have any photos that resemble themselves as adults. Patients are allowed photos of themselves as children or youths, but any photo (even of close relatives) that resemble the patient as an adult are not allowed. Additionally, photos of victims are prohibited.
  • All oversized and bulky letters shall be considered to be packages and shall be opened in the Hospital Package Room.

Mailing Packages

Patients may not receive packages from home or from friends. All packages to patients must be purchased from a vendor. DSH-Patton has a contract with a vendor to provide common items to patients in the facility. However, families and friends are permitted to do business with any legitimate mail-order company (such as Wal-Mart or JCPenney) as long as the purchased items are shipped directly from the business and not to a family member first. When those items are received from a vendor they must still abide by all rules outlined on the Allowable Items and Contraband List.

Any item that constitutes a safety or potential security concern can be denied or confiscated. For example, items packaged in glass or metal containers will not be allowed.

  • All packages will be opened, searched and inspected prior to going to patient.
  • Unapproved items will be returned to the sender at the patient’s expense.
  • Packages will not be accepted in the Visiting Center. Visitors may not bring items to the mailroom for delivery to a patient.
  • Instructor vendor to delivery packages to Mailroom staff between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).
  • Packages left by a vendor at a location other than with Mailroom staff (for example left outside the door or at another hospital location) will be at risk for loss or delay in delivery.
  • The package should be labeled with the first and last name of the patient, as well as their home unit to ensure proper and timely delivery of mail from Netflix or RedBox vendors.

Package Limits:

Barclays Official California Code of Regulations
Title 9. Rehabilitative and Developmental Services
Division 1. Department of Mental Health
Chapter 16. State Hospital Operations
Article 4. Support Services
9 CCR § 4420
§ 4420. Limitations on Size, Weight, Volume and Frequency/Number of Packages
This section constitutes the formal facility policy on the size, weight, volume and
frequency/number of packages allowed.

(a) All sent or received items that do not fall under the definition of “Mail” in Section 4415 of these regulations constitute packages.
(b) Each package sent, and each package received shall not be more than 24 inches long by 19 inches in length by 12 inches high and shall weigh no more than 30 pounds.
(c) A state hospital may limit an individual patient's maximum number of incoming packages based on staffing and hospital ground limitations. If the facility chooses to impose limits, such
limits shall be according to the following: three packages per individual patient per calendar quarter for the first three quarters of the year (January-March, April-June, July-September) and
four packages per individual patient during the fourth quarter of the year (October-December).
(d) Packages sent to the facility that are not within the limits set forth in subsection (b) and (c) above shall be returned to the sender.
(e) The limitations set forth in the section shall not apply to Confidential Mail as such term is defined in Section 881(c) of these regulations.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 4005.1, 4027 and 4101, Welfare and Institutions Code.
Reference: Section 5326, Welfare and Institutions Code.

Web Orders:

  • Please visit https://accesscatalog.com or call (636) 888-7003
  • The Access Corrections call center is open 7-days a week, 24-hours a day, 365 days a year and accepts Visa or Mastercard.
  • Access Corrections allows family and friends to order items from the current canteen menu to be delivered to their loved one directly to the unit and is not counted as part of the quarterly package limits.
  • The patient’s 7-digit hospital identification number will be needed to process any of the above transactions.

Patient's Account - Adding Money


  • Please visit www.accesscorrections.com or call (636) 888-7004
    • Select "California" and "Patton State Hospital" in the dropdown menu.
    • Input Patient's ID by adding "8" in front of the 7-digit Patton ID number as required to deposit funds by phone or website.
  • This will allow your family or friend to use the money you deposit toward canteen, vending, and/or purchase items from outside vendors.
  • The deposit limit is $200.00 every 7 days per patient. This security function is under review. Any changes will be announced at a later date.
  • To speak to a live person from Access Corrections, please call (636) 888-7004

Checks/Money Orders:

Make Payable to:

Patton State Hospital for (insert patients name)  (Example; “Patton State Hospital for Jane Smith”)

  • Sender's name and address must be included with all checks or money orders.
  • First time and out of sequence checks will have a two-week hold placed on them
  • Cash, traveler’s checks, and blank checks or money orders are not accepted and will be returned to sender.

Mailing Address:

Department of State Hospitals - Patton
ATTN: Trust Office
3102 E. Highland Ave.
Patton, CA 92369

Visit our Administration Building in front of the flag pole.
Accounting Office Hours:
                Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Closed holidays and weekends)

Neighbors Meeting

The Department of State Hospitals - Patton holds neighborhood meetings, which are open to the public. The purpose of this meeting is to give the hospital an opportunity to discuss with local residents upcoming hospital events and changes. The public will also be able to ask questions regarding any of their concerns. The meetings are held in the Administration Room 103A on the scheduled dates and times listed below.

MEETING SCHEDULE: No meetings currently scheduled

Family and Friends Education and Support Meeting

The Family and Friends Education Support Group is an opportunity for the family members and significant others of the individuals committed to a state hospital to learn more about the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. It is also an opportunity to learn more about DSH Patton and the legal commitments of the individuals that we serve.

DSH Patton provides this meeting opportunity every third Sunday of each month (excluding Holidays) from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.   In efforts to protect patients and staff from exposure to the coronavirus (COVID-19),  meetings for our English speaking participants are taking place remotely using the platform WebEx.

This meeting provides a venue for you to become involved in your family member’s treatment. You will have an opportunity to engage and listen to presenters who are experts in mental health treatment and the justice system. A schedule of presenters will be posted at the Visiting Center. You will gain insight and support from the challenges and successes of other families facing similar circumstances.

Please note that due to the coronavirus (COVID-19),  in-person meetings (English and Spanish) have been postponed.  We will continue to assess the safety of reinstating in-person meetings for both English and Spanish speaking participants.    

If you have any questions, want to find out about the topics being covered, or you need directions, please contact:

Sandy Suarez, LCSW
Desk: (909) 742-5247
Email: Sandy.Suarez@dsh.ca.gov